Symsyn Instructions
+ C $S | add character string to end of ansi string
+ C $S N | as above for N characters
+ C.I $S N | add N characters from C at I to end of string
+ C $S.I N | insert string into string at I for N
+ C.I $S.J N | insert N characters from C at I to string at J
+ X | add 1 to X
+ X Y | add X to Y
+ X Y Z | add X to Y store in Z
+ $S $R | add $S to end of $R
+ $S $R.I | insert $S to $R at I
ABS X | make X a positive number
AND X Y | logical and X to Y
AND X Y Z | as above store in Z
BINSTR X $S | convert bits into displayable characters
BITSTR X $S | as above
CALL LABEL | subroutine call with 0 to 5 values
CALLTHRU X | call address in X
CLOSE X | close file
~ X $S | convert binary to decimal string
~ $S X | convert decimal string to binary
DATETIME X | system date and time to binary
DATETIME $S | system date and time to string
DDES KEY DATA | decrypt data (8 bytes) with key (8 bytes) result in data
DDES KEY DATA.I | as above, data indexed
DELAY N | sleep for N milliseconds
/ X Y Z | divide X by Y store in Z
ENDIF | end of the IF clause
EDES KEY DATA | encrypt data (8 bytes) with key (8 bytes) result in data
EDES KEY DATA.I | as above, data indexed
ELSE | code follows that will be run if the previous IF was not true
FILESIZE F X | place file size of file F into X
FILL 'A' C | fill string C with 'A'
FILL 123 X | fill array X with value 123
FIND C $S I | find character C in string store address in I
FIND $S $R I | find string in string store address in I
GETITEM $S $R | remove first item from string $S and place in $R
GETITEM $S X | as above, convert to integer or real and store in X
GOIF | go back to previous IF and retest
GO LABEL | go to label
GOTHRU X | go to address in X
GRAB C | own resource named in string C
HEXSTR X $S | convert to string of hexadecimal digits
IF X BIT 23 | if bit number 23 of X is a 1
IF C EQ D | if character equals character
IF X EQ Y | if integer equals integer
IF $S EQ $R | if string equals string
IF $S.I EQ C | if string item at I equals character C
| EQ equal - may be replaced with other comparison symbols
| NE not equal
| GT greater than
| LT less than
| GE greater than or equal
| LE less than or equal
| = equal
| <> not equal
| > greater than
| < less than
| >= greater than or equal
| <= less than or equal
IFPOSTED C | if event C has been posted
IFPOSTED C $S | if event C has been posted, receive data into $S
IORESULT | value of the last I/O operation
MAKEFILE C X | create an untyped file named by string C. X will be the handle
MAKEFILE $S X | as above with string $S
MAKETEXT C X | create a text file named by string C
MAKETEXT $S X | as above
C D | move character(s) C to D
C D N | move N characters from C to D
C $S | move character(s) C to string $S
C $S N | move N characters from C to $S
C.I $S N | move N characters from C at I to $S
C $S.I N | move N characters from C to $S at I
C.I $S.J N | move N characters from C at I to $S at J
C [] | display string C
C.I D.J N | move N characters from C at I to D at J
X | move 0 to X
X Y | move X to Y
X Y.I | move X to word I in array Y
X $S.I | move 8 bytes from word X to string $S at location I
X #$S | set string length of $S to value in X
X.I Y | move word I in array X to Y
X.I Y.J | move word I in array X to word J in array Y
X:18:4 Y | move the 4 bits of X starting with bit number 18 to Y
Y X:18:4 | move least significant 4 bits of Y to X starting at bit number 18
$S | set length of string $S to 0
$S C | move string $S to C
$S C N | move N characters from $S to C
$S $R | move $S to $R
$S $R N | move N characters from $S to $R
$S X | move 8 bytes from $S to word X
$S.I C N | move N characters from location I in string $S to C
$S.I C.J N | move N characters from location I in $S to J in $R
$S.I X | move 8 bytes from location I in $S to X
$S.I $R N | move N characters from I in $S to $R
[] $S | read from console to string $S
$S [] | display string $S
#$S X | move length of $S to X
LOWERCASE $S | make characters in string lower case
MAX X Y Z | move the larger of X and Y to Z
MIN X Y Z | move the smaller of X and Y to Z
MOD X Y Z | X mod Y store in Z
MSBETWEEN X Y Z | milliseconds between X and Y into Z
* X Y | multiply X times Y, result in Y
* X Y Z | multiply X times Y result in Z
^ X Y Z | raise X to the Y power store in Z
NOT X | logical not of X
OPENFILE C X | open an existing untyped file named by string C. X is the handle
OPENFILE $S X | as above with string $S
OPENTEXT C X | open an exiting text file
OPENTEXT $S X | as above
OR X Y | logical or X with Y result in Y
OR X Y Z | logical or X with Y result in Z
PACKHEX $R $S | compact displayable hex characters to 4 bit nibbles
PACKHEX $S | as above
PARAM | receive 1 to 5 values from CALL
PAUSE | let next prog in the queue run
POPCOUNT X Y Z | number of one bits in X, store in Z. Y is 0..63 - highest bit
POST C | post an event named in C
POST C $S | post an event named in C and associate data in $S
RANDOM I J | generate a random number between 0 and I, store in J
RANDOMIZE | initialize the random number generator
REPLACE C D $S | replace each occurrence of C with character D in string $S
RESTORE | retrieve 1 to 5 values from stack saved by SAVE
RETURN | go back to calling point with 0 to 5 values
RESULT | receive 1 to 5 values from RETURN
SAVE | place 1 to 5 values in the stack for later RESTORE
SHELL C RSLT | send command in C to OS, RSLT = 0 is success
SHELL $S RSLT | send command in $S to OS, RSLT = 0 is success
SHL X N | logical shift left X by N bits
SHR X N | logical shift right X by N bits
SQRT X Y | square root of X to Y (rounded)
SSX C | send command in the string C to SSX runtime
SSX $S | send command in the string $S to SSX runtime
START | an optional LABEL which identifies the first instruction
STARTIMER N | start the timer N milliseconds
STOP | end prog
- X | subtract 1 from X
- X Y | subtract X from Y
- X Y Z | subtract X from Y result in Z
- $S N | delete N characters from $S
- $S.I N | delete N characters from $S at I
TRIMLEFT $S | delete leading spaces
TRIMRIGHT $S | delete trailing spaces
UNGRAB C | release resource named by C
UNPACKHEX $R $S | expand 4 bit nibbles to displayable characters
UNPACKHEX $S | as above
UNPOST C | unpost event named by C
UPCASE $S | make characters in string upper case
VADD X Y Z | add corresponding members of X to Y store in Z
VAVG X Y | average of members of X store in Y
VMUL X Y Z | multiply corresponding members of X to Y store in Z
VSUM X Y | sum members of X store total in Y
WAIT C | wait for event C to be posted
WAIT C $S | wait for event C to be posted, place associated data in $S
WAITIMER | wait for timer to expire
XOR X Y | logical exclusive or X with Y result in Y
XOR X Y Z | logical exclusive or X with Y result in Z
Math Expressions
An expression is a combination of Integers or Reals and operators that Symsyn interprets according to rules of precedence to produce another value.
Integer Expressions
Integer expressions are enclosed in a pair of ( ). The result of the expression is placed in the following integer variable or string.
( x + 3 ) y
( x min y ) z
( x shl 2 ) z
( ( ( x * 3 ) + 5 ) mod 2 ) z
( x xor y ) z
( not x ) y
( x^2 + y^2 ) $s
The Integer operators
+ | add
- | subtract
* | multiply
/ | integer divide
mod | modulus
^ | power
and | logical and
or | logical or
xor | logical exclusive or
shl | shift left bits
shr | shift right bits
min | minimum of 2 values
max | maximum of 2 values
not | logical not
abs | absolute value
sqrt | integer square root
Real (Floating Point) Expressions
Real expressions are enclosed in a pair of { }. The result of the expression is placed in the following real variable or string.
{ sqrt ( rx^2 + ry^2 ) } rz
{ 15 % ((rx + ry) * 1.06 ) } rz
{ degtorad(rlon2 - rlon1) } lon1
{ cos rlon1 * cos rlat1 - cos rlat2 } rdx
{ arcsin(sqrt(rdx^2 + rdy^2 + rdz^2)/2) * 12745.6 } rkms
{ sin ( degtorad ( lat ) ) } $s
The Real operators
+ | add
- | subtract
* | multiply
/ | divide
^ | power
% | percent
min | minimum of 2 values
max | maximum of 2 values
abs | absolute value
sqrt | square root
degtorad | degrees to radians
radtodeg | radians to degrees
sin | sine
cos | cosine
tan | tangent
arcsin | arc sine
arccos | arc cosine
arctan | arc tangent
String Expressions
String expressions are enclosed in a pair of " ". The result of the expression is placed in the following string variable or exported.
" 'The GCR distance is : ' $kms ' kilometers.' " []
" 'ABC' 'DEF' $string $string2 ' ' realvariable1 ' . ' " $S
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